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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why the 1440 Minutes Hate?

Well, as you know, back home in Oceania I am a thoroughly reviled person, all because I wrote a book the Party considered subversive. I am so hated in Oceania that there is a daily, mandatory "Two Minutes Hate" period directed at me. In this video you can see one of the more restrained Two Minutes' Hates:

In the previous video, I was trying to make a serious point. I don't always do that. Occasionally I like to try out some comedy material, mostly "Yo Mama" jokes. I'm all like "Yo' Mama's so fat, her ass needs her own zip code" and "Yo Mama's so ugly, when you took her to the dog show, she won." Sometimes I even go with one of the rare "Yo Daddy" jokes: "Yo Daddy's so lame he couldn't get laid in a monkey whore house with a crateload of bananas."

Yeah. If there's one way to piss off a Party Member, it's to insult his mama.

Anyway, does all this authentic hatred make me afraid, upset? Hell, no! Don't they say "any publicity is good publicity?" I'm kind of flattered by the whole thing.

So here's the explanation for the 1440 Minutes Hate: there are 1440 minutes in a day. That's a lot of minutes. So why hate me for just two minutes a day, when you can hate me the whole day?

So sit back and relax, Party Members, and enjoy Emmanuel Goldstein's 24-Hour Happy Hour!

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